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Al's Racquet Stringing


Squash is an invigorating indoor sport for people of all ages. Squash season runs all year long, peaking in September through til April. It's a great way to keep fit during the winter months. For more information about squash, check out your local squash club.

To play squash you need a squash racquet, squash ball, and good eye protection. We also recommend a good pair of indoor court shoes to prevent injury from stumbling or slipping. There are several accessories which make squash even better. Gear bags, hard glass cases, sweat bands, and different types of grips, can all make your game go more smoothly.

Black Knight:Racquets-Balls


Harrow: Racquets




Prince: Racquets-Balls

Salming: Racquets


Victor: Racquets

Xamsa: Racquets